How Are Wakeboards Made?

September 17, 2022 3 min read

Wake boats are fast, fun and popular. These craft create waves, move at 10 to 11 mph and can be used for surfing. There are several factors that go into the construction of a wakeboat. The four main factors are speed, hull shape, V-drive transmission and inboard engine.

Composite Materials

Composite materials are used in wake boats to create rigid, lightweight hulls that can withstand high impacts. The most common composite application is in the hull of PWC and inboard/sterndrive boats. These boats are constructed mostly from glass fibers impregnated with polyester or vinyl ester resins.

The development of composite materials for boats has been in progress for a long time. Ancient mariners used hollowed-out trees to float downstream. Modern boat builders have improved upon the process by creating lighter, more durable boats. Composite materials for boats have become an important component in the wake boat industry.

Students enrolled in the Composite Boat Building program develop a wide range of skills necessary to produce composite products. Students are exposed to various manufacturing processes, including mold making and plug making, and they develop a thorough understanding of structural mechanics. In addition, the program requires students to complete a capstone project, which mimics the real-world development process.

Inboard Engines

An inboard engine is an engine that is installed inside a boat. They are safer for wakeboarders because propeller is inside the hull. There are many different types of inboards. Some are direct drive, while others are v-drive. Both types have their own advantages and disadvantages. The direct-drive type minimizes engine power loss while maintaining a low profile. The downside is that it reduces the amount of cabin space and seating available.

An inboard is also heavier than an outboard. Because it is heavier, it can impact the weight distribution in a boat. It also reduces the boat's weight capacity. However, it can help a boat to turn easily.

V-drive Transmission

Wake boats that feature V-drive transmissions are the ideal choice for hardcore wake sports enthusiasts. These motors deliver superior low-end power and unrivaled wakes. Manufacturers of V-drives have spent years perfecting these wake-enhancing devices. However, they are not the best choice if you're looking for blistering top speed or want to easily slip over a sandbar. Furthermore, they don't provide the most stable boat in water and can cause striking underwater when the boat is in motion.

When a wake boat uses a V-drive transmission, the engine is mounted in the rear of the boat. Traditionally, this engine placement resulted in the engine weight shifting forward by approximately four or eight feet. Nowadays, though, manufacturers can customize V-drive transmissions for wake boats with multiple gear ratios and different V-angles, depending on the type of boat and engine.

Ballast System

The ballast system on a wake boat is a mass storage system for the boat, which displaces the hull deeper into the water to alter the size and shape of the wake. There are two main types of ballast systems for wakeboard boats. Which type you need depends on the size of your wake and the type of pumps used.

Generally, a wake boat with a ballast system produces a larger and more effective wake. However, these boats require more time to fill, especially if the waves are large. Fortunately, the Centurion Ramfill system can make this process faster and easier.

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