Rafting and whitewater rafting are fun outdoor adventure activities that can be enjoyed by everyone. The best way to get the most from your time on the water is to have the proper rafting gear or whitewater rafting equipment. We sell a variety of both river rafting and whitewater rafting supplies that will meet all your needs. Whether you call yourself a professional or you are planning your first rafting trip, Our rafting supply store has the right equipment to help you have fun while staying safe. We carry everything from rafts and paddles to PFD's, wet suits and waterproof bags.
If you are just starting out it is essential for you to get proper gear that will keep you safe out on the lakes and rivers. Different areas require different gear so make sure to plan your trip accordingly. If you are looking for white water rafting Colorado has a lot of popular spots that are well tracked. You can also find some of the best white water rafting in North Carolina.
There are many places across the world to go rafting but the US is home to some fantastic river rafting spots. Make sure to choose the proper gear for the areas you will be rafting in. Keep all your belongings dry with our waterproof bags as well as stay warm with our rash vests and life jackets.
Sometimes it can be hard to remember what you need to bring and even harder if you have never used white water rafting boats before. There are lots of checklists online that can point you in the right direction. Make sure to either print one off or keep a good record of what you have packed and what you need to get because it is no fun when you are in the middle of a rafting trip and you realize you forgot something important.
For a great rafting gear checklist click here.
We carry a large selection of all the best white water rafting and river rafting supplies. Don't miss out on all our amazing deals!
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