The raft has safety measures built in, including life jackets, paddles, and a helmet. If you are not wearing a life jacket, your guide will throw a throw bag to you. If you fall in the water, hold on to the rope instead of the throw bag. This will prevent you from drowning and will help you stay on the raft.
When you're rafting, keep your feet up! When you're in the water, it's easy to have your feet caught on rocks, or worse, get swept away. Keeping your feet up is also important when you're wearing a personal flotation device, also known as a life jacket. Keep the straps tight, even if the water feels rough or if you're uncomfortable with the fit.
You can keep your feet up by using foot wedges and foot cups that keep your raft stable. You also need to wear comfortable shoes, which provide grip on slippery surfaces and perimeter protection. You should never wear sandals or other slippery-surface shoes while rafting. In fact, most guides wear tie-on sport shoes to protect their feet and ensure a safe journey. If you don't have the appropriate shoes, you can buy inexpensive socks to wear when rafting.
Whether you're canoeing, kayaking, or rafting, it's essential that you wear a life jacket during these activities. Flotation is the key to staying afloat in white water, and having your life jacket on will keep you protected in case of an emergency. The more flotation you have, the easier it is for you to surface, and the more powerful the force that pulls you upwards.
When choosing a life jacket, consider the time and weather. Life jackets don't have an official lifespan, but they should be inspected annually to ensure that they are still in good condition. Keeping your life jacket clean can extend its life. The easiest way to do this is to use warm water and dish soap. Rinse the jacket out thoroughly, and try to avoid sitting on it or storing it under anything heavy. These activities will compress the foam and decrease its flotation power.
Keeping a paddle on while white water rafting can seem like a simple task, but many people forget this basic rule. Paddles should be gripped tightly with one hand on the end of the shaft and the other hand somewhere along the halfway point of the paddle shaft. This will minimize the chance of slipping out of control, and will also prevent knocking against other people in the raft.
Paddle rafting is a fun and exciting experience that requires careful training and precise instructions. It is also crucial to stay positive as the environment can quickly devolve into a negative spiral. Positive feedback, however, will encourage paddlers to do what is needed, and to smile and have fun. The best way to stay positive during white water rafting is to follow the instructions of your guide.
Keeping a helmet on while white water rafting is crucial. Even if your rafting buddy is nearby, it might not be enough to save your life. In cases like this, it is essential to contact family and friends to warn them about your plans. Likewise, you can inform the river authorities so that they can take immediate action in case of an emergency. If you do not have a waterproof raft, you can use one that has a floatation chamber built into its sides.
Whether you go rafting in the winter or the summer, you should be prepared to get wet. Even though you wear moisture-wicking clothing, it is advisable to bring an extra pair of clothes in case you end up getting wet on the trip. A change of clothes can come in handy after a half-day trip or even after a full-day excursion. However, remember that your wet clothes can be quite uncomfortable once you get on the road.