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Windsurfing Vs Kite Surfing - What's Harder to Learn?

July 19, 2022 4 min read

If you've decided to take up windsurfing as a new hobby, you may be wondering, "What's harder to learn? Windsurfing has a long learning curve, while kitesurfing jumps straight into advanced techniques and speed. What's more, the learning curve in both sports is very different. With this article you can decide what is easier for you to learn.

Whether to Learn Windsurfing Or Kitesurfing

There are many pros and cons to learning both wind-powered sports, but one thing is clear: each has their benefits and disadvantages. While both are highly rewarding, learning windsurfing will likely be easier for you. There is one big difference between windsurfing and kite-powered sports: wind-powered sport requires a lot more space. Kitesurfing uses long lines and requires steady winds of 12-30 knots. Wind-powered sports require more skill and physical strength, but you can still launch safely and comfortably.

While kitesurfing is the easiest of the two sports to learn, wind-powered sports require deeper water. Wind surfers need at least waist-deep water. Bidirectional kiteboards can be used in knee-deep water. Depending on the kind of wind, a wind-powered sports activity may require several feet of water. If the wind dies, you can paddleboard.

Learning Curve

While there are a few differences between windsurfing and kite surfing, the learning curve is similar. Although both sports are simple and have minimal physical requirements, the differences can cause some people to jump right into the sport without having enough experience. Many people will try a sport without realizing it is unsafe or not suited for their physical abilities. Taking lessons is an excellent idea to reduce the risks.

Both windsurfing and kite surfing require physical attributes, but it is easier to learn windsurfing. Learning to windsurf takes less physical effort, but requires a strong mental commitment. While beginning windsurfers make the sport seem simple, the actual process of becoming a good windsurfer can take months or even years. Beginners will have to master different wind conditions and learn tricks to master the sport. As their skills develop, they can progress to other levels and experience new challenges.

Speed And Technique

There are several important factors to consider when it comes to speed and technique when windsurfing. The higher the speed, the stronger the wind, and the stronger the apparent wind, the more difficult it is to maintain the proper board characteristics. A good windsurfer can maintain speed in extremely strong winds and even perform a "cut-back" turn, which is similar to a stall in flight terminology. If you want to improve your speed and technique when windsurfing, here are a few tips to help you.

When learning to windsurf, a good general guideline is to sail between 13 and 16 knots. Keep in mind that your skill level and body size will determine how much speed is necessary. Taller, heavier riders may need more speed to skim the water. An average beginner windsurfer may shoot for a speed in the 13-16 knot range, which is known as marginal planing conditions. If your ability and experience are both above the recommended speed range, you may want to consider practicing in less windy conditions.


While the injuries sustained by windsurfers and kiteboarders are different, they can share similar patterns. Windsurfers have a risk of catastrophic fin failure. Kiteboarders, on the other hand, have no such risks. In case of a crash, it is recommended that the surfer jump on top of the board in order to conserve energy and increase visibility. Jumping in inappropriate places can also contribute to injury, so it is best to stay calm and avoid panicking.

A study in the Netherlands compared the injuries of windsurfers and kite surfers in the same conditions. The study's authors found that the main cause of injuries was a collision with equipment. As such, they recommended separating kitesurfers and windsurfers to prevent collisions between the two types of surfers. For the study, participants provided informed consent before the start of the activity. Learning everything you can about can help you decide if you should switch from one to another.

Ideal Conditions

For the best windsurfing conditions, head to the north or northeast of the island. In this region, the wind can be a variable, but generally light and moderate, and it's ideal for beginners and more experienced windsurfers alike. The wind speeds at these locations range from three to six on the Beaufort scale. You'll also find good surfing conditions at nearby Cala Millor, which has an excellent beach and is home to an excellent surf school.

Beginners and experienced windsurfers should choose windy conditions in three to five miles per hour. A few more experienced windsurfers prefer stronger wind conditions, but this isn't a necessary requirement. Beginners should look for conditions in which the wind blows parallel to the shore, not across it. If the wind blows too far from the shore, it can be dangerous for the beginner. Windy conditions are ideal for experienced windsurfers, but beginner windsurfers should always try to find conditions in which the wind is blowing parallel to the shore.

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